We are excited and proud to be expanding our manufacturing facility Fall 2021! We are in the final stages of completing our 9500 sq. ft shop next to our current shop system. We will be expanding into the new space while still operating out of the current buildings and eventually updating and renovating the original manufacturing bays to maximize our space and production flow. Our new shop will boast an advanced parts department, increased production space, new equipment and machinery plus some office spaces. We look forward to moving in and being able to build more boats for our Dealers. Check back to see updates!
We are expanding our shop by nearly 9500sq. ft!
Posted on: September 27, 2021
We are excited and proud to be expanding our manufacturing facility Fall 2021! We are in the final stages of completing our 9500 sq. ft shop next to our current shop system. We will be expanding into the new space while still operating out of the current buildings and eventually updating and renovating the original manufacturing bays to maximize our space and production flow. Our new shop will boast an advanced parts department, increased production space, new equipment and machinery plus some office spaces. We look forward to moving in and being able to build more boats for our Dealers. Check back to see updates!
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